Saturday, 26 March 2016

EDITED 07/04/16: Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

What kind of cinema is most likely to exhibit our film?

The genre of our film is predominately British Gangster; the setting, plot and colour palette all take inspiration from dark, British films. However it also has stylistic aspects linking it to Film Noir so in this sense it possesses an arthouse-like aesthetic. This hybrid between bleak, British grittiness and sleek, stylish Film Noir means that our film would not be out of place in either mainstream cinemas such as Vue or Odeon nor would it not suit arthouse exhibitors such as Cinema City. In both cinemas there would be audiences my film would appeal to. In the mainstream cinemas, there would be a bigger audience who perhaps wouldn't recognise or appreciate the references to film noir but would enjoy the plot of the film as well as it's bleak, dark tone throughout. While in arthouse exhibitors such as Cinema City, there would be audiences familiar with the stylistic and costume references to film noir and so this aspect would appeal to them. However on the whole, I think our thriller would be better suited in mainstream cinemas. While our thriller does make reference to film noir in an arthouse fashion, in general our film would not be classed as an arthouse film. Almost all aspects of our film take influence from British Gangster, a genre which in the past has proven popular with a large demographic of people. As a result of this, our film could entice large audiences and so would be better suited in more mainstream cinemas. Films such as "Lock, stock and two smoking barrels" and "Sweeney" were exhibited in mainstream cinemas and did successfully, drawing large audiences. The violent, gritty nature of our film perhaps wouldn't fit the artistic style of films regularly shown at cinema city. Additionally our films target audience of men aged between 18-25 are much more likely to visit mainstream cinemas instead of arthouse ones and so cinemas such as Odeon or Vue would be far better suited for our thriller.

How could online streaming services offer new distribution options?

In recent years there has been a huge rise in the amount of films available to watch at home. Services such as Love Film, Netflix and Mubi mean that the cinema is now not the only way to experience new films. These services not only make it incredibly easy for anyone to access a huge variety of films in seconds but also act as a recommendation service giving people suggestions on what they should watch based on their previous viewings. Our film would work very well with these modern distribution methods. Because of the independent nature of our film, online streaming sites such as Netflix would give our film the opportunity to reach a far wider audience. People who want to find and watch new, independent films can do so extremely easily on Netflix as in contrast to cinema, no film is promoted more than any other. In addition to this, Netflix provides suggestions based on previous films a user has watched. This means that audiences who are seen to be watching thrillers or British Gansgter films have a higher chance of being recommended our film. Our target audience of 18-25 year old males are the demographic most likely to use these new services and so these new ways of online distribution would be a perfect option for our film.

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